Best Education | Getting A Job


Best Education

By ACS Distance Education on June 6, 2018 in Getting Work, Earning Income & How to Learn Better | comments

What is 'Best Education' - it depends why you are studying. If you're trying to learn something to make yourself more employable the right course is usually better than the biggest course.


"Underemployment is rampant in the world—17 percent to 66 percent—depending on where and how you measure it. Globally, 47 percent of people feel overqualified for their jobs."


Ref: Seen on Ag .

Often it can be better to do a shorter course than a full certificate, diploma or degree. The 20hr courses on this site have been designed to give you specific , employable skills without making you overqualified.

The Best Learning requires a relaxed and receptive attitude, without pressure - just a thirst for knowledge.

Pushing any student to achieve the highest marks in exams only creates stress, may even increase mental illness and certainly dampens their motivation to learn.

When someone is motivated and sees the relevance of what they are studying; the education really works well.

Students can learn a lot more from a shorter course they are motivated to study, than a longer one which they lack motivation to do.