Resumes and interviews - learn more about how get a job


Employers want employees who fit the job. If your CV suggests you could be a good fit, you might get an interview. If your interview suggests you are a better fit than others applying for the job, you are likely to be selected. 


How Do you Know What is a Good Fit for You?

Answer these key questions:
•    What are you passionate about? Hobbies, Nature, People, Sports, Health, Business, Politics? 
•    Do you prefer to work with your hands, with information or with people?
•    Do you prefer predictable or unpredictable tasks?
•    Do you prefer to work with simple tasks you can complete each day, or complex tasks that take a long time to complete.


Resume Contents

Resume contents should be divided into a series of sections that are logical
They would always include 4 sections:
1.    Heading
2.    Contact details
3.    Education
4.    Experience

They might also include other sections
•    Objective - career/employment goals (eg. to work in a job where you can help people or can contribute to improve environments.)
•    Interests – hobbies, sports, passions
•    Community Service – volunteering, military service, memberships
•    Web sites & Social media
•    References – List names & contact details of people who can be contacted to give a reference


Poor Resumes

Avoid these things:
•    Unorganised information
•    Too much information: long paragraphs and long sentences.
•    Insufficient information: not enough for you to be evaluated
•    Over emphasising accomplishments – The tone should show your capabilities in a factual, realistic but humble tone but never in a bragging tone.
•    Sloppiness – inconsistencies in layout (eg some headings in upper and lower case, others all capitals); or pages not stapled together neatly, coffee stain on paper, etc.
•    Negativity - avoid using negative words; or bringing attention to your weaknesses.