Train in Online and Telephone Counselling
Sneak Peek
This 20 hour self study course is useful training for anyone wanting to
improve their skills online and by telephone in supporting people who
are experiencing stress and distress.
The use of telephone and online counselling has increased rapidly in recent years, making use of all of the technological changes that makes online and telephone counselling now more possible and efficient.
Our 20 hour courses are self paced and will help you understand a topic in a short amount of time. You can work through the course when you like- test yourself with mini-tests along the way. There are extra case studies or research you can undertake if you would really like to get into the topic. Once you have completed the lessons and self assessment tasks, there is a final exam undertaken online- you can then download your personalised certificate.
Lesson 1:
What is Counselling?
Counselling techniques
Asking questions
Qualities of good counsellors
Non verbal and verbal communication
Are you stressed
Stress epidemic
Stress and war
Is stress always a bad thing?
Lesson 2:
Ethical and Legal Considerations in Counselling (Ethics Part 1)
Informed consent
Why are ethics important in counselling
Making ethical decisions
Ethics and culture
Ethics and relationships
Keep records
Lesson 3:
Introduction to Online and Telephone Counselling
Identifying risk
Communicating with clients via telephone or e-counselling
Establishing ground rules and boundaries
Providing clients with supplementary materials
Ending therapeutic relationships
Why people use internet or telephone counselling
Lesson 4:
Ethical and Legal Considerations in Online and Telephone Counselling (Ethics Part 2)
Ethics in relation to telephone and online counselling
Informed consent and virtual counselling
Moderating forums
Lesson 5:
Phone Counselling
Stages of telephone counselling
Microskills in telephone counselling
Telephone counselling process
Addressing needs
Problem solving
Taking notes
Ending the call
Non-verbal and verbal communication on the phone
Lesson 6:
Online Counselling
Internet or online counselling
Email counselling
Chat counselling
When internet counselling is used
Effectiveness of online counselling
Depression in childhood
Lesson 7:
Problems with Telephone and Online Counselling
Ending the conversation
Problem callers
Nuisance callers
Regular callers
Chronic callers
Silent calls
Lesson 8:
Working in Telephone and Online Counselling
Time boundaries
Professional boundaries
Getting started in telephone and e-counselling
Many organisations (eg. charities, welfare departments and religious organistations), offer counselling via phone and chat platforms. Counselling from a distance is not a new concept. Sigmund Freud is known to have written letters to counsel some patients.
Telephone counselling tends to occur when a person telephones a counsellor to discuss their problems. Telephone counsellors may specialise in certain topics or be a general counsellor. They may be available at certain times by appointment or 24 hours a day through a helpline.
Online counselling is growing rapidly through websites, forums, apps and more. Online counsellors may offer face-to-face services online using services such as Skype or a chat platform. Some counsellors and patients prefer to work together via email or forums. Online counselling is also known as e-therapy, cyber counselling, tele-therapy and e-counselling.
Online or telephone counselling is unlikely to replace face-to-face counselling. It is a useful vehicle for people who are experiencing difficulties in their lives and find it hard to access traditional face-to-face counselling.
In this short course, we will look at telephone and online counselling and how they are used. Throughout the course, we will also look at some of the difficulties your clients may face, including bereavement and loss, depression, anxiety, cyber bullying and more.
Who is this course for?
This course is ideal for a wide range of people –
- Do you deal with clients online or by phone and want to improve how you communicate with them?
- Are you an existing counselling who would like to improve their counselling skills online and by telephone?
- Would you like to gain initial training in online and telephone counselling?
This course is suitable for –
- Anyone working with clients or customers online or by telephone
- Existing counsellors
- Social workers
- Teachers
- Health care workers
- Doctor’s receptionists
- Doctors
- Stress counsellors
- Anger management counsellors
- Debt counsellors
In fact anyone who needs to support people online or by telephone.
How does this course work?
You can enrol at any time.
Once you have paid for the course, you will be able to start straight away.
Study when and where you like. Work through at your own pace.
You can download your study-guide to your smart phone, tablet or laptop to read offline.
There are automated self-assessment tests you can complete at the end of each lesson. You can attempt these as many times as you wish and each time, upon completion, you can see your results. You will need internet access to complete the self assessment tests.
At the end of the course, you are presented with a large assessment which can be attempted online, anywhere, anytime. If you achieve a 60% pass in the exam; you immediately receive a downloadable certificate of completion with your name on it. If you do not achieve a 60% pass rate, you can contact us to re-sit your exam ( email- )
Contact us at anytime if you have any issues with the course