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Blog articles on writing, publishing and communications

‘Data collection’ and ‘data generation’ are sometimes used interchangeably.

Both terms refer to the methods that are used to gather data for analysis. However, ‘data collection’ hints that the researcher remains outside the creation of that data – potentially the data might have evolved without the researcher’s presence or involvement. ‘Data generation’ hints that the researcher is either an active participant in the creation of data or they may have arranged a situation in which rich data became available.

Creative writers come in all shapes and sizes. We may imagine them as shy introverts hiding away in Parisian cafes, recognisable by their black clothing and their leather elbow patches. We may also imagine flamboyant and outgoing writers– slinking along the red carpet at a glamourous launch event. All writers are different, but are there some personality traits that creative writers tend to possess?  Explore further - read this full blogf.

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What does it mean to write in the first person, and why would you choose that option over any other?