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Some ideas for getting the most of your life.

When women drink alcohol during pregnancy, they risk seriously affecting their baby.

Read on and discover ten things that can go wrong with the baby, not only as a baby - but the impact can continue throughout their entire life.


Seven Ways to IMprove Your Health

By ACS Distance Education on November 1, 2016 in Lifestyle | comments
Make good lifestyle and health choices and you not only live longer but you also live better.

5 Tips for Busy People

By ACS Distance Education on October 10, 2016 in Lifestyle | comments

5 Tips to make life easier for Busy People

There are only 24 hours in a day and we can’t make more hours in the day. Even though we should be making our lives easier with technology, we tend to find that we have less time to do everything that we need to and achieve a balance. Here are five tips that you can try to make the most of your hours in the day: